Thursday, 12 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Two compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) Praise be onto Yahweh- Halleluia. My children, Christianity is handwork of a Jew called Simon Magnus (2) The second volume of Excuse Me discus on the difference between Christ and Meshiyach. (3) Today is a serious day for all Yahosheans. Without Yahoshea Meshiyach there is no Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach. This assembly is a continuation of the work of Yahoshea (4) Today is the foundation of Yahoshean's belief. Every convocation of Yahosheans have great significant unlike the other religions. Today, we are Commemorating the birthday of Yahoshea Meshiyach. (5) What is Christmas? Worshipping of person deitified as idol. (6) Ister or Easter is the Saxon deity that sorrounds on the mythology that an egg fall from heaven and form a woman called Ister. Most of festivals of Churchism are meaningless. (7) It is only Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach that keeps the officially appointed days of Yahweh. (8)  The scripture says that we should throw our food in the water and it will come back in many folds. This simple means that a member of this assembly must appear foolish in his actions.  (9) Yahweh's Gangarin plant is Yahweh's University of Mystic Knowledge. One seed alone covers everywhere in a year (10) Yahoshea's birthday is called liberation day.  (11) Yahoshea's birthday was on 2nd of 7th month (Oct) in a year 3996 by Yousef Heli and Miriam. (12) That is the day of Yahweh's greater light (13) Man must be the light that will shine in the midst of utter darkness of the minds (14) Mortals live in the light of sun which sometimes brings darkness which means  man living in his senses. (15) Man need changes (inner evolution) to understand himself (16) If you approach the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) with the knowledge you have acquired in the world, you miss the target. (17) When darkness comes, man looks for light (18) When Yahoshea encounters the mind, the inner evolution starts. When you say that you know more than Yahoshea Meshiyach, it means that your system is not in order (19) Since 3996 FC that Yahoshea Meshiyach came to this earth as the greater light, we are still in darkness because men refused to absorb the light. (20) For being with the Comforter, members of the Assembly have been placed in the mental plane that must grow above negative thoughts. (21) Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and man is age mate (22) Non of us is doing what Yahweh has sent us to do here in the world and that is why things are crafty for us (23) Things cannot be balanced for man if he does his own work accurately but doesn't do Yahweh's work (24) Yahoshea Meshiyach never gossiped but he asked his disciples, why mummer which is same as why gossip? May Yahweh bless this few words in Yahoshea Meshiyach's holy name I pray, Halleluyah.

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