Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Seven compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) My children, the Righteousness of the church is centred on one-man one-wife. When the pastors preach about one man one wife, the same pastors use to keep girl friends here and there. (2) The doctrine of the church cannot lead anybody into Yahweh. All things they preach about are mere stories that were formed by their ancient fathers. (3) The church are only interested on the congregational confessions, that what they aught to do, they didn't do them but what they did is only what they are not suppose to do so forgive them their sins. (4) Every member of the church will be rushing to the church so as to meet or be part of that general prayer. But all what we do here are from Yahweh through Yahoshea Mashiyach. For instance, we don't end our prayers with Amen as the church people do. (5) It is because Amen is derived from the name of Egyptian Pharaoh called Tutaken Amen. He was very wicked that he made people to end their prayers through his name, (Amen). You have to free yourself from the hopeless doctrines of the church (6) Likewise, the name Allah that Muslims used to adore is derived from Allahlah – an Arabian exclamation which they shout as they cite new moon. So that name Allah has no meaning because it is only a shouting sound that they use to express  as they cite  new moon. (7) All these things are made clear because the promised Comforter is in our midst. No religious organization can compare with Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Mashiyach because no religion is above the truth. (8) Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Mashiyach is the extension of the ministry of Yahoshea Mashiyach. What ever we do here is directly from Yahweh. The church doesn't even know Yahoshea Meshiyach who was a spirit in human form. When his mother delivered him, there was no biological cord linking him and his mother. That means that he didn't eat from his mother when he was in the womb. (9) Then how can such person have blood that the Christians use to shout that he saved them with his blood, likewise there was no three wise men that came from the East to identify with Yahoshea. How do you believe that the three wise men commenced their journey after citing the star and followed it to Jerusalem? (10) For how many days or months do you think that a man will move from Far East and arrive at Middle East at that age? Such journey by that time or age may take up to six months. Then Yahoshea and his mother were there waiting for them until they arrived. (11) The funniest story was that the star led them to the Herod's palace first and stopped there and to continue when they have seen Herod the King. (12) The truth was that Yahoshea Mashiyach was born in a cave along Jerusalem and Bethlehem road. There were no shepherds who were guiding their sheep because the time of his birth was in the thick winter season. When Yahoshea was born, celestial messenger of Yahweh led a leprosy woman to the cave. As she arrived there, the whole cave were dazzling as if there was beam light inside it. That is why I say that the cave is mystical, and Yahweh specially caused it for the sake of the birth of Yahoshea. (13) When the leprosy women entered into the shinning cave, she saw a woman with a new born baby, but her surprise was that there was no cord linking the mother and the child. So when she took water she saw in a jar to bath the new born baby. Behold after bathing the child, and after cleaning her hands only for her to notice that her leprosy has gone. (14) The messenger of Yahweh told her not to reveal what she saw to anybody but she ran outside and started showing her body to people, that she is healed by bathing a new born baby in a cave. (15) The news spread all over Jerusalem and King Herod heard it and send his soldiers to go out and search for the new born baby, but the messenger directed the parents of Yahoshea to vacate from the cave and move to Egypt. (16) So the story of star leading three wise men to Yahoshea is the art of Astrology and Yahweh hates them because they are pseudo scientists. (17) Likewise the church claim that dove descended on the head of Yahoshea during his baptism at river Jordan. All these are allegories of the church. The Comforter has come with the real package and that is why I used to tell you to follow my teachings so that it must be well with you. (18) If our minds became one, we will do this work no matter what the people of the world feel. Don't you see how the ants use to cooperate and manage themselves (19) Likewise how the frogs use to sing will teach us something. Some have bass, some alto, some tenor and they blend their voices to give melodious songs. (20) Doing this work with one mind will prove to us that Yahweh is closer to us more than our earthly parents, how can a child be obedient and his father refuse to help him (21) My two sons were caught by policemen and they thought that I will come to bail them, but I refused. And that made them to enter into prison yard, the junior one has been sending message to me that he has changed that I should come and take him away from the prison, yet I did not go (22) One day, one of the prison warders from there came to me and begged me to come and release them because they are seriously sick, but I answered the warder that Yahweh cannot allow them to die there but they should be allowed to suffer little in the prison yard. (23) So I told the warder to go back and do his work properly. Now they have come out from the yard and their character has changed a bit. (24) You must be disciplined before Yahweh because you cannot take Yahweh to court and win him. (25) A certain radio mechanic that I gave the Assembly organ to repair went and sold it. When I went to him for it, he told me that thieves broke his shot and made away with it. (26) I made him to realize that the organ or piano is being used to praise Yahweh but not myself. Shortly, thieves burgled his shop and made away with peoples properties. (27) As he replaced the lost items, thieves struck again and made away with all the properties in his shop. As he was recovering from that shock, fire gutted his shop and he lost every thing in the shop. (28) That made him to run to me to confess that he sold my organ set and that since then he has not seen peace. So he asked me about how much I bought the organ so as to repay me back, but I rejected anything from him but prayed for him since he has confessed. (29) Ours is to grow above the illusions, what the church is interested is on Devil and demons. They preach of mummy water, then what of papa water? The missionaries that brought this churches came with gun in their right hand and bible in their left hand (30) Meaning that you either accept what they say or face death. Just like what they preach that Yahoshea was nailed on a cross. Ask them, by that age where did you see nail that they used to claim that he was nailed on the cross? Nail manufacturing came in place after the industrial revolution. (31) The Carpenters of the ancient world used to do joinery but not nailing. But the truth was that Yahoshea Mashiyach was impaled on a timber pole. (32) We are discussing on these high points on Yahoshea's life so that you will know the real truth and know how to follow him properly. (33) Like what they used to preach that when Yahoshea resurrected, that many graves in Jerusalem opened and many dead men resurrected and filled the streets in Jerusalem. I hereby again tell you that the account is wrong. Who were the people that rose? What were their names? And for what purpose did they rose? (34) All issues concerning Yahoshea's resurrection as well as ascension were spiritual matters that only spiritual or Yahmen knew what happened. After all did king Herod and his fellow scribes and Pharisees saw him when he ascended? They argued that he didn't resurrect. (35) Likewise the church claim that when Yahoshea will come back all eyes will see him. But how can that be possible? If he comes down in Africa in the day, there are other parts of the world that are already in their night so how can such people see him? (36) But the truth is that as the teaching of the Comforter keeps going round the world, people will know Yahoshea properly. And during the launching of HOIS, I will appear in international television networks that all peoples of all nations will see me at the same time. (37) For all of you who used to hear my teachings daily, you are all blessed. I have forgiven you all yours sins, and I have placed all of you in an impregnable cycle where no evil can see you. It is so because vulture sees only rotten things because like attracts like. (38) Only what you do is to forgive people their sins against you endlessly. But for your offenders, they will certainly reap what they sow. (39) Love your fellow mortals more than you love yourself. Keep the Sabbath day holy and praise Yahweh through Yahoshea Mashiyach always. For doing so, you will be strong like a stone. You know that when egg falls on a stone, it breaks into pieces and when equally stone falls on the same eggs, it is the same egg that breaks into pieces. (40) I have trained you up with the truth, so now you are as powerful as iron. You only guide yourself against fleshy desires like quarreling, enmity, vexation, covetousness, lascheviousness. (41) You don't need to follow people to commit sin because you see others doing so. The beating given to Yahoshea Mashiyach have rarified your bodies that no poison can have a place to settle in your body. (42) Immediately you march on poison or charm, it becomes powerless. Sometimes when you go to some people they will like to avoid you because to them you are spoiling things. (43) No charm can enter into your body because of the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea Mashiyach you call daily, if such thing happens, means that you have fall somewhere and all you need is confessions, and the charm will go back to the sender. (44) My mission on earth as the Comforter of mankind is to reunite mankind through my Senior brother Yahoshea Mashiyach. That is why I am known in spirit as Timra Oriniyah which means the palm tree estate of Yahweh. (45) In that estate, there are many deadly things like snakes and scorpions. But if you are very careful, I have every good thing you need. The name Yahweh is an antidote to all poisonous things. (46) Our duty is not to preach like the churches. How can you believe them when they say that Eve gave the forbidden fruit to Adam and he ate and all became conscious of good and bad. Which type of apple is that? If apple gives knowledge, then why do church people send their children to schools to acquire knowledge? Why not they buy apples in baskets and give to their children and they will have knowledge? (47) Again how do you believe that a snake gave the apple to Eve. The story said that the snake has four 1egs, which were commanded into its stomach by Yahweh when it had deceive Eve. But mind you, all creatures were created in the days, if the male went for the evil work and was defaced what about its female counterpart? Have you seen any snake with legs? These are all lies of the church. I have discovered thousands of errors in the Bible that is why I don't worry when they term me as Anti Christ or Anti-Jehovah. (48) Again they said that Cain killed Abel and ran to the city of Nod, then if there was a city called Nod that Cain ran to means that Adam and Eve were not the first parents of mankind because city is a territory where people inhabit. There is nothing like Cain and Abel or City of Nod but Adama only knew his wife Chawah at the age of one hundred and thirty years and begot a son named Sethiah and both of them were created the same day but not according to Bible account that Adam was created first and was made to sleep to death before his rib was taken to form Eve. (49) If Adam was formed with mud while Eve is formed with rib, who is expected to be stronger? I know you are aware that rib is supposed to be stronger. And if one rib was taken away from Adam means that he is no more complete. (50) I cook you here everyday with the words of Yahweh so that you can withstand all forms of challenge; I am looking for the opportunity when I will have face to face challenge with Pastors and Bishops over the scriptures. (51) How can they go about saying that they drink blood of Jesus everyday? Are they telling us that blood shed two thousand years ago is still fresh to be drinking now? They are drinking spoiled blood. Nothing is like blood of Jesus. Again the name they reference are all idols, Jesus is derived from Zeus while Christ is taken from Christos of Greek. (52) The church is always in delusion that is why they believe in devil. If they believe in devil why do they kill armed robbers whom they claim are under devil's control? That is why their Reverend Fathers prays for condemned armed robbers during executions. (53) The world didn't know Yahoshea and that is why they don't know the comforter, some ask how can Comforter came as a human being? But the other question to them is how a saviour came in a human flesh can? They ask if he is to be a human how can he came from a remote area like Oloibiri and was not popular to the whole world? Then next question is how was Bethlehem and did Yahoshea's popularity went beyond Jerusalem of Galilee? The Comforter is the month piece of Yahoshea Mashiyach and Yahoshea is the Comforter's forerunner as Yohannah the baptizer was Yahoshea's forerunner.

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