Monday, 16 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Six compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) My children, there is difference between a chosen one and a head-starter. (2) When I look at the activities of world churches on one side and this Assembly on the other side, I wonder if you will be able to follow me to serve Yahweh or are you here to get your problems solved. (3) For a member's duty is to know Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Yahmarabhi and declare it to mankind. (4) Yahweh is all good, he is not making sinners to be sick, he doesn't destroy any nation, he doesn't revenge, and his is to cure. Yours is to appeal to him for forgiveness. (5) Yahoshea is the saviour, rescuer and redeemer. (6) Man has sold himself to sin. Anyone enjoys sins (Lasciviousness) because other people are doing it, you follow up. (7) Man is so dangerous and negative. (8) You wear costume as a holy man and as your label while in you are rebelliousness. You are a head - starter. (9) This lecture should touch your heart. The life style members are living is contrary to Yahweh's doctrine. (10) You can quote to have started with the prophet at Abonnema and observe your feasts but that is not the measurement of seriousness. (11) All head starters often complain of other people because they are filled with impurities. They are not good for the Assembly. (12) The nature of the Comforter is to impact the spirit of truth to all mankind. And the word of Yahweh is the spirit which he brought. So as you take the word, you have taken the spirit. (13) The Comforter will reveal to man why he is sick which is because of sin because any effect must have a cause. (14) He will teach about the spiritual life. He is to point out the loopholes in our lifes by putting them in books. (15) He will convince man that there is no hell fire and Armageddon with reasons that if that happens it means Yahweh has no quality of goodness. (16) It means that he reduce himself to mere man's standard since those who wrote the accounts were not inspired but wrote out of their minds. (17) Life and death is one of his teachings which are the only way that man can come to refine himself and go to Yahweh. (18) He teaches that death is not bad but it is just a change of flesh as many times you choose to. (19) Holy writing make us to know that everybody will face his mirror after any life time and know how he misbehaved or acted well. The holy book say that after every tour, a man returns into the second room and watches his mirror of actions in life. Human body is the paper where all his deeds are written upon. (20)  After watching your life in the mirror, the question you will ask yourself is on where to belong, and you will chose to enter either in earthbound spirit world or Yahweh's kingdom. If you merit entering into earthbound spirit world, you will stay there according to your gravity and reincarnate back to earth to continue your refinement. (21) In earthbound spirit world there are three dimensions,  first dimension is a place where the most wicked mortal go after translation, second dimension is for better souls and third dimension are for those who have gone through refinements but have not received mark of salvation on their foreheads being the name Yahweh and Yahoshea. (22) All that were written down by Prophets of old but were adulterated by the Nicolaitians (truth twister) is to be corrected by the comforter. (23) Nicolaitians is a combination of two words.  “Nice” means “conquerors at war” (an idol) “Laites” means – “devotees or fellows of Nice”. Yahweh hates the work of Nicolaitens. (24) QUESTIONS: Those who took this doctrine and formed another church, why did they fail? (25) ANSWERS: Because they didn't live in me. So they are not taking the proper diet as suppose, if you are not of my branch, the food of Yahweh from me to you will be cut off. (26) I have the power to retain any food that comes from me because I am in oneness with Yahweh. So if you cut yourself from me, you will be enermic or firewood that will be used. (27) In every age, Yahweh brings a prophet where we will pass through him to eternity. (28) Yahweh is order and not a confusionist. He defends his people that is why in the age of Comforter's kingdom, he wants all to be fortified with truths. (29) That is why he give me the title of Yahpani. (30) So if you just hijack knowledge and open your own assembly because of money, Yahweh will take away the power from you. (31) Yahweh wants to have one community; he wants all people to go to feasts at one place and same way. (32) As Roman Catholic formed Christianity from Jews, they are now the head-starters and that is why they have failed. (33) How do you tally your grade with the qualities of the word. (34) When you leave this Assembly with acquired knowledge, your brain will be washed off. (35) Timran - Oriniyah means palm estate of Yahweh, if you are not of palm estate of Yahweh, you will not be taking the food he is eating. (36) I want you to abide in me. Unless you abide in me before you will get good fruits. (37) Immediately you leave me, all power goes out of you because I am the master of the time. (38) When you form your own Assembly, Yahweh goes out of you and you will be shouting like the Baal prophets. (39) If you have problems, think and confess your sins not to think badly of your spiritual father. (40) If you want Yahweh's power to manifest in you, you are to live with the Comforter not to go away from him (41) Teach people to build their own faith and to lean on the comforter because if that happens, they have anchored their faith properly (42) Don't teach on the powers of olive oil alone but on the power of Yahweh because when olive oil and Yahweh is added it brings power. May Yahweh bless these words in Yahoshea Meshiyach holy name - Halleluyah.

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