Saturday, 14 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Four compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1)       TOPIC: DO YOU WANT TO BE THE GREATEST IN THE ASSEMBLY? (2) Children of Yahweh, if you are working for Yahweh and brag over the service, people will praise you and it ends there. (3) How many officers can boast of having preached and converted people? Although mankind is a weakling as long as word of Yahweh is concerned. (4) Every one wants to prove his strength spiritually. The position of man is to arrogate himself. That's why there are problems with wives and husbands.  (5) That is why I am the best husband on earth, because I don't arrogate myself over my wives. (6) You must learn to bring yourself down as a preacher to convince people. (7) You have to fall your nature by confessing out your negative thoughts, deeds and vexation. (8) If you become annoyed, your blood vessel becomes hot and it produces boils that will cover your body. (9) Yahweh existed for forty eight trillion years before he spoke out Yahshem who lived with him for five million years before Yahweh directed him to create out all that he fashioned in his mind and Yahshem created them accordingly. (10) All works of creation are perfect. For instance, when thunder strikes, you will see light to prove that the whole world is covered by electricity. (11) Some people show their paganism act by stamping or stammering their mouth instead of calling the name of Yahweh. (12) Some invite thunder by their negative thoughts. You are masters of yourselves. (13) There is no need of going to Prophets and Prophetesses as long as you obey the teachings in the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach. (14) I have told you that nothing that Chawah suggested to Adama that Adama didn't do because he loves her. (15) You are suppose to decree over problems and let it be so than believing in negative thoughts. (16) Yahweh wants you to master your relationship with nature and that is why he sends the Comforter.  (17) Birds migrates from here to Kaduna and come back to their nests. (18) Yahweh created everything with the spoken word and likewise he created man and his assignments. (19) It is when you are doing Yahweh's work that Yahweh will bless your efforts. (20) When you look at child play of born again preachers in television, you will see that all are healers  (monotonous healers). All speak in tongues without meanings to the speeches. (21) In the spirit, there is no distance. As long as you are matching on the ground and pray to somebody at Russia or America, it will be accomplished. Because any preachers teachings goes into the ear of all the messengers of Yahweh and Yahoshea at the same time as against man's invented radio system that receives in channels. (22) What you can not achieve in many millions of years, you can receive in a miracle life. (23) Don't you know that your misdeeds have been hindrance to you for Yahweh to manifest in you? (24) Because of your sins, the light is put off from your body, that's why you can't act as required by Yahweh. (25) Yahweh says that to put accounts of wars in his book and call it holy is abnormal. (26) You are now a spiritual frog because the way the frog uses to sit is the way it uses to stand. (27) Members, how long will you stay with me? (28) When you see a sick man, you look at him with your psychic eye and command the sickness out from him? (29) Did Moses use the rod to divide water or his power from his psychic eye? (30) You suppose to be mystically great because Yahweh is mystical. (31) The word WILL or TESTAMENT is a written or unwritten legal ordinance which an uncle, father or mother does to the family for use after his/her death. (32) Yah has given everybody his will to manifest as his talent. (33) The darkness between you and Yahweh that makes you to fear is not the devil or bad spirits but it is your evil that forms the darkness. (34) If you want to be the greatest, you must be the greatest lover of all. (35) Every feasts are for us to go and receive blessings. (36) If you want to be the greatest, you must be the greatest foolish. (37) You fear because you don't know that Yahweh is in your heart. Yahweh doesn't live in buildings or shrines but in our hearts. May Yahweh bless these words in Yahoshea Meshiyach's holy name Halleluyah.

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