(1) Children of Yahweh,
when you are for Yahweh, every person respects you because you are covered by
his aura (2) The Passover will be taken on the 13th Abib evening, not like the
Jews who use to take it on 14th day of Abib night which is already 15th Day of
Abib. (3) Gestimony is oil grace garden. Yahoshea wrestled at Gestimony and his
mind was baffled by the death he will forgo. Because of tension that gripped
him, (4) the sweat of Yahoshea was running down like that of blood but Yahoshea
has no blood. (5) You need to be redeemed from the hopeless doctrines of
mankind. (6) Put your implicit confidence in Yahweh through Yahmarabhi. (7) We
have three types of faith here, seeking for food, to pray for our children to
prosper and to remove all sicknesses. These are not the real faith that you
will receive here. (8) You will remember the chronic evil and it's Kama that
exist here on earth. (9) The prophet is pleading that all will abide in him
(10) Anchor your canoe on the rock of Yahweh, no cyclone or storm can get near
it. (11) Love is not giving money or food but that inner confidence that is
expected of every Yahoshean on the comforter. (12) Anything you plan against me
will return to you because I am living in Yahweh. (13) When people think that I
am falling, I will live. (14) As many that live in me will have the comfort.
(15) They will have everlasting life. It will be so because Yahweh cannot fail.
One day I traveled by aeroplane, and as we wanted to land in the Airport, the
aeroplane developed a noticeable fault. (16) And many people in the aircraft
were crying or shouting, but I advised the people who sat around me to only be
calling the name Yahweh continuously. (17) And some of them cooperated
accordingly, as we were calling upon the name with my prayers, the aircraft moved
for some time and landed safely at the airport. And when we came out of the
aircraft, the white man who sat around me called me to explain the name Yahweh
which I was calling openly, and I told him that it is the only name of the
grand creator of mankind. (18) So when I arrived at my residence and narrated
all that happened to my wife, she cried out that if the aircraft crashed, I
should have been burnt to ashes and nobody should have recovered even my body.
Then I laughed over her statement and told her that where my body is doesn't
matter but where my spirit is. (19) If you become STILL before Yahweh, you have
all round protection. I say BE STILL, if things are turning upside down on you,
be still, for Yahweh cannot fail. (20) Be still before Yahweh, even if enemies
bully you, be still. Even if friends reject you because of Yahweh, be still for
whatever that happens, Yahweh knows the best he will do for us (21) You are the
apple in Yahweh's eyes, when people condemn him daily by their rebellion
worship, we decorate him properly. (22) How can Yahoshea Meshiyach come down
with messengers of Yahweh to destroy wicked ones while he came to teach of love
and forgiveness. (23) Yahoshea Meshiyach will only come to initiate the
Comforter's Earthly Kingdom or government at Yahcity. At that time, people
might have heard and believed Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach will be
descend with his host of celestial
messengers and those who have the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea on their foreheads.
( 24) As the king is coming, all those who are righteous mortals will raise up.
A golden literate will be poured on earth to cleanse it of all impurities and
the unrighteous people will be changed to righteousness to enable all mortals
to transform to immortality/ (25) Then Yahoshea will descend to crown the
Comforter as the King of Comforters Earthly Kingdom (C.E.K). From hence there
will be no more sins, sorrows and death but all will be immortal. It will only
come when all in earthbound spirit world have been refined through the word of
Yahweh. May Yahweh bless these words in Yahoshea Meshiyach holy name -
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