Friday, 13 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Three compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

 (1) My children, when I was a man, I think and do things the way you are still doing them today (2) I hears my loud voice and does its request easily, my small voice is always reminding me of the teaching in Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) but I often ignored it. (3) Loud voice misleads us by asking us to think or do things like worldly people. The voice often persuades us to do things in negative way since any man else can do such thing. Why can't you reply or revenge so that he will know that it is painful? (4) When can we grow above such voice? When can we grow to retaliate? (5) The reason of loud voice is about inducing a person negatively against next man. (6) This is the work of negative thought. They are grouped as such - quarreling, fighting, enermity - entanglement of the world. (7) Man made religion cannot overcome the negative thought even by five thousand years to come but Yahosheans can overcome it since the Prophet is with them and has put it in book. (8) What is negative thought? The canal mind or the mind of the flesh. (9) What is the meaning of love your fellow human being more than your self? The highest command in the world (10) Unless you master that law, you cannot say that you are holy. (11) What is Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach? The house for the best people of the world, It is not a healing home, if you need such services go to hospitals or native doctors. (12) These are people who have left the worldly things and start thinking like the prophet. (13) To form another Assembly is not the way but to think like the comforter that can forgive one person for more than one million times in a day. (14) When you come to such life, sickness has no place in you. It means that when you are sickly, you have not totally repented. (15) Yahweh sees the mind as the most deceitful thing in the world. That's why one of the Comforter's works is to defeat the deceitful mind and to teach so to peoples. (16) Originally, man is the highest being but it acted otherwise. (17) Yahosheans will teach the people of the world through matured way but not with words of quarrel. (18) If things pain you, you fall. You don't reply because you are great in spirit. And know that it is not the man talking but it is his canal (fleshly) mind that is talking to you. (19) When you are talking of heaven, you are talking of subconscious mind, and the earth can be summarized as the conscious mind. When you grow into heavenly, you will grow above canal thought which knows nothing than quarreling. (20) Carnal man is earthly, he knows to comforts himself with earthly things. (21) I want the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures to come out so that I will go to all the countries to defend the book for I am no more earthly but heavenly. So any abuse on me is a waste of time. (22) Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures will always guide you out of negative thought. (23) As a member, you must live above negative thought. Destroy it until it vanishes away from your thought. You should condemn the negative in you (24) The more you think that devil is battling in you, you are making a great mistake. Question of devil is ruled out. Whenever you say devil, you create it as an image (25) Man is the devil but from nature he is holy. You can create image and the image can rule you. Yahweh created the heart of man good but not deceitful (26) You must do away with the properties like stealing, hatred, then negative thought becomes conquered in you. (27) The canal mind cannot pray for his enemy. You thank Yahweh when your enemy enters into problem and that is the meaning of enermity. You will wish your enemy evil, commending Yahweh for your enemy's down fall, which is practicing of wizardry in a style. (28) Anything you send will happen unless the person in concern has stronger faith than you. Whatever evil you think whether spoken or not will happen and it is witchery or vampirism. (29) Why are we interested in vulgarism - doing something open so that people will take us high. We are discussing the origin of sin. (30) The Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach is in your heart, not in the structure set for worship. (31) As many that have believed in Yahoshea will live according to the will of Yahweh. (32) A Yahoshean is a person whose heart and movement is like that of Yahoshea. (33) And the Comforter is the householder of Yahosheans, unless you have left Yahoshea and go to God, Jesus or Jehovah. But if you are a Yahoshean, you must take the package which comes through the Comforter. (34) When somebody offends you and you hand the case to Yahweh, you have sinned. When you hand it over to Yahweh, your mind will not stop there but will be working against the person, and if something negative happens to him, you will praise Yahweh. It is sinful. (35) Don't revenge. Can't you fast and pray for a sick child whose mother recently abused you of childlessness? (36) Won't you be happy that the child dies? This is a direct challenge to our hearts. (37) Will you not go to the mother who abused you to laugh at her in disguise of consoling her? People may think that you are crying with plain mind. (38) QUESTIONS: When did negative thought entered or developed in man? (39) ANSWER: Negative thought developed when men deviated from the true way of Yahweh, our children in the Assembly will have more positive mind because of the training they receive daily in this assignment. (40) QUESTION: Is increase of Churches Yahly? (41) ANSWER: It is written that before the Comforter comes, there will be many Churches but the Comforter will bring out the real doctrine.

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