Sunday, 15 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Five compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) Children of Yahweh, healer's word is Yahweh himself. (2) Faith is something not seen but believes that it is done. (3) Many churches held people by pseudo science. Power that originates from man such as healing by tearing of the body and introducing something to it. (4) Anything outside of Yahweh's command is pseudo science. (5) Yahweh created us with spoken word - let it be. And this is the command that Yahweh has given to the Comforter to proclaim to the whole world. (6) If one million people are here but only five of them accepts or believes, they will be healed. If one million believers also believe at the same time all will be healed. (7) Everybody wants to lean on prophet's faith but that is not the training, but we are training all to realize their intimacy or relationship of Yahweh with each of us. (8) Whatever you think will come to pass because the Assemblies is now part of you. (9) Yahweh called the Assembly after his son's name because he want to immortalize it. (10) You are Yahweh but people may feel that you are upgrading yourself or blaspheming. (11) Are you Yahweh with small letter? The true answer is that you are capital letter Yahweh. You are here to revive Yahweh in you. (12) Before your conversion, you were wondering in the world and filled with confusions and problems. But here you have realized that your problem was because you forgot your relationship with Yahweh. (13)  People often conclude that their problem is about material acquisition. Ask yourself, those having everything materially, are they having peace? No because Yahweh is not in them. (14) Let me tell you, majority of rich men in the world made their money in bad ways. (15) Look at what people are doing now, they establish banks, collect money from people and close the place. They use the ill-gotten money to buy cars and hide from their creditors. And tell their children to inform their creditors that they are not inside their houses. (16) You need to believe Yahweh today. (17) The word “Redeem” is a real spiritual word that means “Repossess”. (18) If something is sold out and you repossess it, you have redeemed it out. Redeem is stronger than save. (19) The Comforter is knocking at your door but you are running because of guilty conscience. (20) But when redeemed in Yahweh, you have your real consciousness. (21) When you emerse you will have the mark of Yahweh and Yahoshea on your forehead that will make the messengers of Yahweh to recognize you as a member of Yahweh's family both at spiritual Yahcity or here on earth. (22) The revelation bears it but which amongst the names of Gods of nations as Jehovah, Krishna, God, Lord, Chukwu will it be? Which of these hybrids is more sacred to be written on the foreheads of Christians as they claim? (23) Ask yourself, who wrote the Bible? Did Matthew wrote the Bible? If so he is a liar in his generational counting of fourteen generation. (24) A generation is expected to be about one hundred years. If you say fourteen generations, when did the world began? (25) All writings in other scriptures doesn't portray your relationship with Yahweh. (26) Sopy says that there was no time man was not. (27) In every age, Yahweh does miracles to make people to realize that he is. (28) Yahoshea didn't heal with herbs but it was only once he used mud to heal a blind man. (29) To show you that Yahoshea had no blood, he rose up in splendor. (30) Yahweh is with us more than our parents. That is why your body has to be sanctified because he lives there. (31) When once you have leprosy you have bad sickness amongst mankind and people will stigmatize you. Likewise, leprosy means sin spiritually and messengers of Yahweh will not love to come closer to you. I have forgiven you all yours sins in Yahoshea Meshiyach's holy name Halleluyah.

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