HAYM Activities and Festivals
- Every
7th day of the week (Saturday) is Sabbath rest
- Lunar
calender of equal 30 days per month
- 12
months and extra 6 days being 360 days makes up 1 year.
- The
1st month of the year is known as ABIB which falls on April of Gregorian
(Roman) calendar.
- 1st
day of every Abib falls on 31st day of March of Roman calendar in each
year and that is the recognized date of New Year celebration by
- 10th
day of Abib (April) is Feast of Atonement day.
- 13th
day of Abib (April) is for Passover Feast. The feast commences on evening
of every 13th of Abib and ends on 20th Abib (April)
- 17th
Abib (April) is for Feast of Yahoshea’s Resurrection.
- 5th
of 3rd month (June) is a day of Feast of First Fruits
- 13th
day of every 4th month (July) is for Feast of Reconciliation).
- 1st
day of 7th month (October) commences holy month of every year. Yahweh
reveal through Prophet Yahmarabhi that majority of Yahweh sent prophets
were born on the 7th month (October). Therefore all days of the month is
slated for fastings with exclusion of feast days.
- 2nd
day of seventh month (October) is for Yahoshea's birthday celebration.
- 13th
day of 7th month (October) is date for Feast of Last Ingathering.
- 14th
day of every 7th month (October) is for Feast of the Booths. The festival
ends on 20th of 7th month (October) for it is seven days feast.
- 28th
day of every 7th month (October) is for Comforter's Birthday Feast. Most
Senior Prophet Yamarabhi Ha Comforter was born on the 28th day of 7th
month (October) 1930.
- 30th
day of every 7th month (October) is for Holy Convocation. A Feast for the
end of holy month (October) activities.