Friday, 20 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Ten compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) My children, most religions today go by charms, they are using charms to change people's minds and press them down to follow them. (2) Theirs is to put something in people's body and to remove it and the people will think that such  are real miracles. Their aim is to collect money for such purpose (3) They evoke charms to people by forcing charms from their body to people's body while invocation is drawing of power from a deity. (4) I come to teach so that you will know the truth. This gives difference between Comforter and man made religions. (5) I am telling you that no body put those charms except the removers and they urge their converts to go and do thanksgiving. (6) Formally Christianity was called new religion and the name was given to them by Simon Magnus, I have come to differentiate pure and fake religion so that you can choose. (7) Since the church have no power, they sought earthbound spirits and they are prescribed to put charms in the bodies of the followers and when they remove it, they will thank Jehovah etc but not Yahweh (8) Then what is difference between going to the churches and going to native doctors? You will see mystic objects in the churches and they will define them it as of Prophet Moses or holy things but they are charms. (9) But here I prepare you to grow above any negative thing since the beating given to Yahoshea Meshiyach has rallified all your bodies and no negative thing has power over you. Even a little child can not be harmed since the mother or father is of Yahweh (10) If you confess, you are stronger than any charm, if the charm goes into your body, it means that your sin called for it. Most members are still under the bondage of fear, sometimes, if worms moves in their bodies, they say that they have been charmed. They even fear when their leg kicks on stone wrongly. You still go on superstition. (12) This assembly doesn't give way for superstition. I dreamed of this or that so somebody will die. If your mind is only on Yahweh, you will be released from fears (13) Many of you use to charm yourselves by your negative thoughts. Somebody is looking at you and you assume that he is a wizard and you think that he will harm you and such will manifest but if you see it and cancel it in the mind it is allover. (14) You have the power to draw any force on yourselves. Yahweh is alone the reservoir and the reservoir is Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Yahmarabhi. (15) People have the power to evoke negative forces into other people. Wherever you are, the circumference of power that surrounds you is more than ten miles. Why is it so? Because your bodies have been disciplined. (16) If you are a true Yahoshean, you will know that there is no juju or evil spirit so you can sleep at burial ground and nothing will happen to you. (17) If a very wicked man passes on, he becomes idols and wicked earthbound spirit, if somebody swear juju to you, you will use a stronger juju to arrest the juju. (18) There are many mysteries, for instance there is a leaf that moves from one tree to another in the night, there is a leaf that is used to raise a dead man in seven minutes, but if you are made to raise the deaths or to know the mystery, can't you use it to be a billionaire? Will you not abuse the power? (19) Like Yahoshea Meshiyach's era, he raised two dead people and the apostles raised one and the comforter raise one at Abonnema. It is not done rampantly because. Every person must pay his debts (Karma). (20) If the dying person is not according to payment but because the vampires are trying to take him off, and then go to the reservoir which is Yahweh, Yahoshea, Yahmarabhi and he will be raised. (21) Everywhere the light is, the comforter is there, when something is worrying you why not swear it to Yahmarabhi. Like if your stomach is worrying, why not you swear the stomach problem to Yahmarabhi. (22) If the whole of your body is against you, do your confession and anything that has been transferred to you will go back to the originator. (23) The vokers reference their idol deities and not Yahweh because Yahweh arrests anything negative.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Nine compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1)  Children of Yahweh, when I tell you something with instruction that you will not reveal it to anybody, then you went and reveal it to the person in mention-Trust breaker. (2) I want to marry somebody and I send my friend to go and convince the girl but he went there to spoil me - trust breaker. (3) I want to marry Mabel and I told my friend and he went behind me and convinced Mabel for himself-that is a trust breaker. (4) All stealers of opportunity are trust breakers; people give worries or sickness to others. (5) Some invoke curse on people to be sick or poor and if the person is not faithful to resist the power of the curses or with a strong spiritual master who is praying for him, then the curse will be effective. (6) If not by the coverage of my prayers on you by 3am everyday many of would have died. (7) Our assembly is of unique model. It is not a prayer house where people heal with incense, mud and doves. What is the need of incense or such materials to Yahweh? In our first Epistles, the Three Cross Society of Nigeria has failed off from their original standard for communicating with water spirits and other evil things in the eyes of Yahweh because I am no more with them. I was their Most Senior Prophet before Yahweh took me out from Oloibiri to Kalabari. (8) How can man in the water marry an earthly woman? People are instructed from the church leaders to go and finish with their husbands or wives in the river before they come to the church. And I often asked of which type of church is that? (9) We are now in mental position not in lower astral position. (10) We believe that wherever we are, whether standing or sleeping, whenever we speak, Yahweh will hear. (11) That is why we are expected to  frequently ask our self whether we have sinned and if so then we must confess. In absence of such practice you will not have self control. (12) Yahweh is with you, Yahweh wants to use you, everywhere is full of sickness but you can't heal because of your sins. (13) Healing can start from a grade of Disciple but you are of a grade of Chosen One, yet you cannot heal, why?. It is because of Petty silly sins. (14) Your hands have been sanctified to heal. (15) You cannot see Yahweh physically but your hands and tongues have been sanctified. Then only say it out and Yahweh will do it. (16) Your asking is for formality. Yahweh is there for you, you have the power to arrest principalities of any grade like earthbound spirits or witches (17) You have the power to command these things to their nativity of nothingness. (18) Some people are not ordained witches but their negative thought prove them so (19) As a Yahoshean, anything you say is a spirit. Your words can create good or bad spirit. (20) Your positive words can stop any negative spirit anywhere and in anybody. You are a single man but whatever you say to a nation will happen because with Yahweh, you are majority (21) As you have seen, all that I predicted on military are working accordingly. Before first and second coup and civil war in Nigeria, I predicted them and all happened accordingly. (22) Whenever prophesy is made, it must be fulfilled no matter how many years it will take. For instance, the Daniah's prophesy that a stone from no where will break the beasts and build a big tower which will be all over the world has recently come to fulfillment. (23) Now the prophecy is Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS). (24) Yahoshea said that I would not leave you without a Comforter who will teach very many things and correct all errors. (25) If you don't take to corrections now, then when? Why not now the little stone from nowhere which is expected to come and smash all man religions has manifested. (26) Do you see the Rivers State as anything? People thought that Christianity will be the stone but looking into it's doctrines and dogmas shows that is not the stone. (27) Moslems thought that they can be the stone by spreading with killings and force. (28) Unless you place the other person in your position you cannot love him. When people see me writing, they don't believe because they knew me formally either as a business man, politician and musician. (29) But they don't know that I am covering my self with all those things. (30) At twelve and fifteen years, I lost at Oloibiri waterside and messengers of Yahweh revealed to me the sacred names of Yahweh. (31) But I refused to take up the mantle of leadership immediately as they directed. I am the light in the dark cloud, light that surpasses all lights. (32) Am always asking those who bring sick persons not to have doubt and if the person baptizes, all will be healed easily. If the sick person baptizes, all his responsibilities goes to Yahweh (33) Pray for those who have done bad or want you to die but if he doesn't retract, he will see himself. That's why I am calling all to sanctification so that whenever there is problem we will cast it away. If person is sick, pray and heal by laying your hands upon the person and  say the word – “Go you are healed” and the person will be healed. (34) At Abonnema city, people who could not climb upstairs were equally healed because we used to hold ourselves from upstairs to down and everyone have testimonies. Power passed from me to every person and all were healed. (35) Three people or girls who had infections or abdominal problems were healed instantly and they testified and they started delivering their children from that moment. (36) It is in that building that a girl called Sinadaba who died for five hours was raised. Before the occurance, her relatives were members of Unity Church. (37) So when the incident happened, they called me and I pretended not to go because I was eating. In my tradition eating cannot stop me from going to pray for a sick person. The sister to the death girl came again and I told her that the girl is already dead for five hours. She ran out and later came again and I told her to go and exercise the Unity power in her to heal her. (38) She came again crying and rolling on the floor that prompted  her to threw away the food (rice) that I was eating, then I told people with me that the girl has provoked Yahweh. (39) So I went to them and saw people crying, I told all people to go away from the room, so I injected breath of life to the girl and she rose. (40) Opene's mother gave me the lad (Opene) as a gift  because he stammers too much, they thought that they are giving me bad thing. (41) So I gave him (Opene) assignment of three days preaching and people marveled. So from first day he preached better and after three days he started speaking better and after six months period, he speaks fluently and the mother wanted to take him back. (42) Your miracle is always on the way, nothing is above Yahweh, we don't need to be begging again for we have the authority (43) You have been forgiven, go and if you think negative you cannot stand. Some people identify one month or another as the month of their fever to come back and they see such month as a very bad one for them. (44) There is no bad  day, month or year for a believer of Yahweh. Equally, there is no sickness, if you sick, you have sinned or by your Karma.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Lectures of Prophet Yahmarabhi: Chapter Eight compiled by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

 (1) Children of Yahweh, when you are for Yahweh, every person respects you because you are covered by his aura (2) The Passover will be taken on the 13th Abib evening, not like the Jews who use to take it on 14th day of Abib night which is already 15th Day of Abib. (3) Gestimony is oil grace garden. Yahoshea wrestled at Gestimony and his mind was baffled by the death he will forgo. Because of tension that gripped him, (4) the sweat of Yahoshea was running down like that of blood but Yahoshea has no blood. (5) You need to be redeemed from the hopeless doctrines of mankind. (6) Put your implicit confidence in Yahweh through Yahmarabhi. (7) We have three types of faith here, seeking for food, to pray for our children to prosper and to remove all sicknesses. These are not the real faith that you will receive here. (8) You will remember the chronic evil and it's Kama that exist here on earth. (9) The prophet is pleading that all will abide in him (10) Anchor your canoe on the rock of Yahweh, no cyclone or storm can get near it. (11) Love is not giving money or food but that inner confidence that is expected of every Yahoshean on the comforter. (12) Anything you plan against me will return to you because I am living in Yahweh. (13) When people think that I am falling, I will live. (14) As many that live in me will have the comfort. (15) They will have everlasting life. It will be so because Yahweh cannot fail. One day I traveled by aeroplane, and as we wanted to land in the Airport, the aeroplane developed a noticeable fault. (16) And many people in the aircraft were crying or shouting, but I advised the people who sat around me to only be calling the name Yahweh continuously. (17) And some of them cooperated accordingly, as we were calling upon the name with my prayers, the aircraft moved for some time and landed safely at the airport. And when we came out of the aircraft, the white man who sat around me called me to explain the name Yahweh which I was calling openly, and I told him that it is the only name of the grand creator of mankind. (18) So when I arrived at my residence and narrated all that happened to my wife, she cried out that if the aircraft crashed, I should have been burnt to ashes and nobody should have recovered even my body. Then I laughed over her statement and told her that where my body is doesn't matter but where my spirit is. (19) If you become STILL before Yahweh, you have all round protection. I say BE STILL, if things are turning upside down on you, be still, for Yahweh cannot fail. (20) Be still before Yahweh, even if enemies bully you, be still. Even if friends reject you because of Yahweh, be still for whatever that happens, Yahweh knows the best he will do for us (21) You are the apple in Yahweh's eyes, when people condemn him daily by their rebellion worship, we decorate him properly. (22) How can Yahoshea Meshiyach come down with messengers of Yahweh to destroy wicked ones while he came to teach of love and forgiveness. (23) Yahoshea Meshiyach will only come to initiate the Comforter's Earthly Kingdom or government at Yahcity. At that time, people might have heard and believed Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach will be descend  with his host of celestial messengers and those who have the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea on their foreheads. ( 24) As the king is coming, all those who are righteous mortals will raise up. A golden literate will be poured on earth to cleanse it of all impurities and the unrighteous people will be changed to righteousness to enable all mortals to transform to immortality/ (25) Then Yahoshea will descend to crown the Comforter as the King of Comforters Earthly Kingdom (C.E.K). From hence there will be no more sins, sorrows and death but all will be immortal. It will only come when all in earthbound spirit world have been refined through the word of Yahweh. May Yahweh bless these words in Yahoshea Meshiyach holy name - Halleluyah.