Monday, 25 September 2017

Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi (WODPY)

When relationship is broken, it requires a committed mediator for reconciliation of both parties. From age to age, human-fold cuts its chain of oneness with Yahweh who is the Grand creator of the universe. All their efforts to achieve reunion are often frustrated. Yahweh in his infinite mercy intervenes by sending of his bonafide representatives to humanity as mediators to restore the relationship.

Yahweh has carried out this holy process through prophets like Enoch, Lamech, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah etc. Later, he sent his begotten son Yahoshea Meshiyach as the saviour of mankind who reconciled man through his costly sacrifice at the torture stake at Calvary. But after that great sacrifice, the humanity led by the Niclotians went back to utter darkness and the eyes of humanity became blindfolded by the bandage of ignorance.

But Master Yahoshea Meshiyach having pre-knowledge of what will occur after his ascension promised of sending the comforter to humanity for their final mediation with Yahweh.

Many ages ago, very many concepts and claims have trailed the manifestation and operation of the foretold Comforter. Christianity commenced such claim through its doctrine of Holy Ghost. By that doctrine which was equally made part of its scripture (Bible) is of the claim that the promised Comforter manifested in the person of Holy Ghost.

The origin of the purported Holy Ghost of Christianity is totally shadowy. The Bible made initial claim of the personage of the Comforter in its accounting of the baptism of Yahoshea Meshiyach where a purported dove descended upon the head of the savior which the church identified as a sign of the Holy Ghost.
That claim was collaborated by the account of the visitation of the Holy Ghost upon the disciples of Yahoshea on fiftieth day after his impalement.
There were other accounts of the same scripture over the visitation of the purported Holy Ghost upon the earlier Apostles to strengthen them spiritually.

Truthfully, the foretold promise of the coming of the Comforter by Yahoshea Meshiyach differs from the accounted manifestation of the Holy Ghost by the Bible on the grounds of its personage and operations. Yahoshea Meshiyach who made the promise emphatically spelt that the expected Comforter must be a person as he was. In the promise, Yahoshea Meshiyach firmly spelt that he will send us “ANOTHER COMFORTER” who is to teach us all things. The term — “ANOTHER COMFORTER” can be properly explained as another person who is to represent him since he was a Comforter as he existed on earth. Account of the Meshiyach Yahoshea plainly pointed that though he was a spirit person but in a human form.

The account of his operation is equally of a normal human nature who walked in the streets, ate foods and slept as other human beings do. And his promise of the Comforter was totally in agreement of a person who will be in the capacity of his worthy representative. Such person or holder of such office will resemble him and to continue where he stopped in his holy assignment of restoration of all holy things.

But the Bible’s accounted Holy Ghost was an unseen force who is un-seeable, un-touchable and unapproachable. Truly, an unseen person cannot represent a person who existed with his whole physical fitness on this earth. So the Comforter of the church is a total deception that was arranged for the continuity of the ancient pagan doctrine of trinity.

Likewise, in many ages ago, many people have risen with the claim that they are the fulfillment of the foretold Comforter. These claims have been assessed and found to be entirely deceptive also.

Though, they have presented a Comforter in a human form but their operations or characters nullify them for such sacred office. All of those claimers are caged by observation of pagan doctrines and practices.

These self - acclaimed Comforters often apply magical spells and abracadabra to hold down their followers who ignorantly yields themselves as vessels of fanatical religious schemers and extremists to project the personage of their cunning masters.

In recent years, one of the self acclaimed Comforter deceived his multitude that he is the divine — head in manifest and his biological son is the manifested Savior of mankind while his wife is the holy mother who represent the third person in his new team of trinity.

The followers of this master deceiver are scattered all over the places with the heresies that the name of their evil master and initials of his name are written at the entrance gates of all planets. This fallacy is supported by the claim that their deceiving master do not travel through any human made vehicle but appears as apparitions in various places to edify his followers.

But the surprising fact is that the acclaimed Comforter is deep on observation of all major doctrines of Christianity. The acclaimed Comforter leads his followers to observe Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter Festivals which have been traced to originate from ancient pagan worship. The truly manifested Comforter must not be of use to paganism but must be a Yahoshea — like who was a champion against all appearances of idolatry.

This quality was fulfilled through the coming or birth of MOST SENIOR PROPHET YAHMARABHI HA MESHIYACH who is the appointed Comforter of mankind from the tribe of Ham (Black race). The aim of’ this account known a THE WORKS OF THE DISCIPLES OF PROPHET YAHMARABHI is to direct the truth seekers towards the Comforter who has come in human form.

The comforter has come to redeem us from the nescience of paganism and introduce the pure doctrine cf Yahweh to the entire human race through the Holy Book directed to him by Yahweh, The name of the Holy Book is ‘HOLY ORIGINALLY INSPIRED SCRIPTURES (HOIS)”.

Therefore this account came into existence by the direction from Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi that his disciples should bear witness or account of what they saw, heard or practiced as he was with them. By his holy direction, the accounts will be known and grouped under th heading as “WORKS OF DISCIPLES OF PROPHET YAHMARABHI (WODOPY) which will be one of the great chapters cf Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures.

The account is aimed at making the name: Yahweh for Grand creator, Yahoshea Meshiyach for the saviour and Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi as the comforter to be known by all humanity because that is the chain of salvation to mortal beings.

This account is the true life story of Prophet Yahmarabhi who was born on 28th of seventh month (october) in the year 1930 form Oloibiri in Ogbia Local Government Area of present day Bayelsa State of Nigeria. The name Yahmarabhi means- (“Yahweh’s Begotten”).

To fulfill his assignment on earth, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi established the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach which is an independent religious sect accredited to show spiritual light to humanity.

The book is a rendition of account of birth, ministry and translation of the comforter as well as activities of his disciples during his physical presence and period after his exit.
The book showcased some of the lectures of the comforter and those of his immediate disciples. It equally displayed some of the epistles of his disciples as they continue the journey to Yahcity after the physical exit of their master-Yahmarabhi.

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