Saturday, 9 September 2017

Doctrinal Changes and Orders by Roman Catholic Church

325 AD Council of Nicaea. The Church changes Yahweh’s calendar, separating Easter from Passover.

388 AD Incited by a bishop a Christian mob plunders, then sets fire to a synagogue in Callinicum.

399 AD The Western Roman Emperor, Honorius, confiscates from the synagogues the gold and silver collected for Yerusalem.
415 AD Hebrews were falsely accused of ritual murders during Purim. Bishop Cyril of Alexandria forced his way into a synagogue, expels the Hebrews, and gave their property to a Christian mob which stoned Prefect Orestes almost to death for protesting these atrocities.
419 AD The monk Barsauma for three years incited his followers to destroy synagogues throughout Palestine.
439 AD The first imperial compilation of laws, the Codex Theodosianus, prohibited Hebrews from holding judicial and executive offices and positions involving money. The building of new synagogues was banned. These anti-Hebrews statutes apply also to the Samaritans. The Western Roman Emperor, Valentinian III, accepts the codex.
451 AD King Sassanid Yazdegerd II of Persia abolished the Sabbath and ordered executions of Hebrew leaders.
465 AD Council of Vannes. Gaul (France) prohibited Christian clergy from observing Hebrew (Yahweh’s) feasts.
529–559 AD Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great published Corpus Juris Civilis. Hebrews civil rights were restricted: Servitus Judaeorum (Servitude of the Hebrews) was established: Hebrews cannot testify against Christians. Hebrew language was forbidden in worship. Shema Israyah(“Hear, O Hebrews, the Yahweh is one”) was banned. Conversion by force was enacted, including synagogues remade into churches.
538 AD The Third Council of Orléans (of Gaul/France) prohibited Hebrews from employing Christian servants, and from appearing in the streets during Easter:
589 AD The Council of Narbonne, Septimania, Hebrews were forbidden to chant Psalms when burying their dead ones.
614 AD Fifth Council of Paris. Hebrews holding military or civil positions and their families were forced to accept baptism.
629 AD Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, who was supported by Hebrews inhabitants marched into Yerusalem and massacred hundreds of Hebrews. Thousands of the Hebrews fled to Egypt.
681AD The Twelfth Council of Toledo, Spain orders all Talmuds burned.
692 AD Quinisext Council in Constantinople. Christians who bathed in public baths with Hebrews, employ a Hebrew doctor, or socialized with Hebrews would be excommunicated.
694 AD 17th Council of Toledo. King Ergica demands that Hebrews forfeit all land, buildings, and slaves into his treasury. Hebrews children over the age of seven were to be removed from their parents and raised as Christians.
AD 300. Prayers for the dead and sign of the cross was made church doctrine 
AD 321, Sunday laws and enforcement of Sunday legal rest keeping was promulgated by Emperor Constantine. AD 375, veneration of angels and dead saints and the use of images. In AD 394, Daily celebration of the heathen mass. AD 400, persecution of Sabbath keepers begin. AD 431, Exaltation of Mary as she is called the “MOTHER OF GOD”. AD 450, Death sentence for Sabbath keepers. AD 500, priests dressing differently was introduced to the church. AD 526 Extrem Unction was introduced as one of the Sacraments. AD 593, the doctrine of Purgatory was made part of church creed. AD 600, Latin languages alone was adopted in prayers and worship, and prayers directed to Mary, dead saints and angels. AD 607, the title of Pope (Pontfex Maximux) or Universal Bishop first used. 
AD 709, kissing of Pope's foot became a part of church doctrine. AD 750, civil power was conferred on the Pope. AD 786, worship of the cross, images, relics and bones. 
AD 850, introduction of holy water into church doctrine. AD 927, the college of cardinals was introduced. AD 965, Baptism of bells. AD 995, canonization of dead saints. AD 998, fasting on Fridays and Lent become church doctrine. 
AD 1079 celibacy of the priests was introduced. AD 1090, the rosary and mechanical prayer with beads was introduced to the church. AD 1184, introduction of Inquisition. AD 1190, sales of indulgences became church doctrine. AD 1215, confessions of sins to a priest instead of Yahweh became church doctrine. AD 1220, Adoration of wafer. AD 1229, Bible officially forbidden to laymen. AD 1251, introduction of scapular to the church. AD 1508, The Ave Maria to be said with beads. AD 1524 Jesuit order founded in the church AD 1545, Tradition officially declared of equal authority with scriptures. 
AD 1546, Apocryphal books officially added to the scriptures. AD 1854, Immaculate Conception proclaimed amongst the church. AD 1864, Papal's “Syllabus of errors” condemns freedom of religion, speech, conscience, press and scientific discoveries. AD 1870, infallibility of the Pope declared in the church. AD 1930, Public and all non-catholic schools condemned. AD 1950 Assumption of Virgin Mary proclaimed in the church. AD 1963, Mary was officially proclaimed the mother of the church. 
Additions includes monks order, nuns, hermits, monasteries, convets, Lent, holy week, Palm Sunday, Halloween, Fish day, flagellation, incenses, holy oil, medals, candles and on and on.

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