Monday 1 October 2018

The Rules of Spirituality by Meshiyach Yahzitere Okoh

(1) Do not allow any person that have lost his or her way spiritually to lead you. It is likened to a drowning person gripping you. Unless you are capable of rescuing the person or both of you will go down the river.
(2) Do not expect your spiritual master to reveal his ultimate truth to you because such will make him to loose your loyalty.
(3) Do not follow the path of the multitude, rather, always follow the path of the spirit you have covenanted with.
(4) Do not compromise your path with the wishes of your relations and friends because spirituality is all about principles and regularities.
(5) Do not separate from your covenanted spirit until you have another covenant with a stronger one because such altitude will fill your life with worries.
(6) Do not loose sight or focus on your target in your spiritual way because the path is filled of elements, apparitions and imageries that are capable of distracting you.
(7) Do not be confused by the differences between religion and spirituality became religion is a conceived link between you and any spirit while spirituality is about your personal pact or relationship with spirit.
(8) Do not violate any iota of laws handed to you by your covenanted spirit, else you will suffer by being defenseless and powerless like ordinary people.
(9) Do not hastate to make confessions, restitutions and amendments over any mistake because spirits do not condone sturboness.
(10) Do not see your conversion from one spirit to the other as a mark of conquest to the former spirit because spirits are unconquerable. You can only grow above antics and attacks of spirit through support of a stronger spirit when contracted.
(11) Do not see any spirit attack as unwarranted but as a necessity towards your growth and mastership.
(12) Do not entertain fear when the necessity for separating from your covenanted spirit arrives. This necessity may appear when your covenanted spirit begins to assume negative to your liking. For example, some spirits requires cheap sacrifices and as you go deeper, it will require deadly sacrifices like human life.
(13) Do not hold firm to any evil revealing spirit because of previous oaths you have taken along the path but seek for a union with stronger spirit to ward off the fear and effects of the oath.
(14) Do not overrule the efficacies of your dreams, trances, clairvoyance and voices because these are communing instruments of the spirits.
(15) Do not undermine the teachings and acts of your spiritual master because such serves as your compass or mascot towards your target.
(16) Do not fear to change from a covenanted spirit you have attested to it's inefficacy in handling issues for sake of oaths previously taken.
(17) Do not engage yourself with a spiritual battle you are incapable of handling: many have been degraded, disgraced and even met their untimely death on such misadventures.
(18) Do not boast of having strong powers to the people or in the public because what you have may be inferior to what others possess.
(19) Do not hastate to ask questions as mysteries unfold around and within you.
(20) Do not train your mind to assume a warlike spiritualist, there are no much war in spirit when you realise that all spirits are graded in ranks and files.
(21) Do not make yourself an attacker because such people fall within the stock of negative spirituality.
(22) Do not intend to liberalise the path of uncompromising spirit,; for it will punish you.
(23) Do not forsake the voice of your covenanted spirit. Always recognize its voice even in the middle of many other voices.
(24) Do not expect instant explanations of the voices of your covenanted spirit. Only abide by them, their explanations may be in the future times
(25) Do not compromise both muscline and feminine spirits. Both of them do not agree. Relics meant for the feminine can't be used in the domain or altar of the muscline. If you try to combine them, they will make your life miserable.
(26) Do not be disloyal to your father whence you are a child of a pronounced spiritualist. Disloyal children of spiritual people are often wayward and nuisance to the society. Whence a wife to a spiritualist becomes disobedient type to her husband and rejects her husband's way, her children will follow her in rebellion. Any of the children that becomes loyal to his father will be reasonable and possibly succeed his father. When non of the children follows the spiritual path of their father after his demise, the family will be filled of worries. All earnings of the man will be scattered and useless.
(28)) Do not learn the path of spirituality from a person that acquired the knowledge and power elsewhere. Learn from person that inherited the mystery from his linage. Acquired powers require heavy sacrifices while inherited goes in nature's way.
(29) Do not scramble to be converted to lower spirits because of its material.
(30) Do not be afraid over strange occurrances around you. Things are like that for a spiritualist. If you don't guide your emotions, you will response to the happenings and be acting strangely like an insane person.
(34) Do not forget to pay your dues as agreed with your covenanted spirit. Failure to this act will attract worries.
(35) Do not forget to identify issues by their real natures and not according to their colours, sizes and form because these items are subject to changes.
(36) Do not forget the signs and attributes showing possessions and inspirations by your covenanted spirit. There must be noticeable acts that will stir your soul to show the presence of the spirit you serves. Do not take the feelings as a bodily sickness. You must as well identify the feeling that show that you have erred.
(37) Do not use your power to victimise people especially the non initiates. Always be conscious that your office is for help of others. That is the essence of being an intermediary between spirits and mortals.
(39) Do not require honour from your close relations. You must never coerce or hypnotise them to honour you. Let the outcome of your works prove your worth.
(40) Do not ever separate with your spiritual master even after his demise. He stands as your link to the spirit he introduced to you. You can only do the contrary when you have decided to abandon the spirit entirely.
(41) Do not Do not oppose or attack a superior spiritualist to you. Rather, submission to such person will support you to add to what you know or possess.
(42) Do not forget that spiritual ways and powers are designed in two folds as being positive and negative. Positive often appears weak and unappealing but certainly conquers the negative.
(43) Do not forget that the path of spirits are rough and uneasy. Only those people that have the power of endurance, patience and carefulness gets to the domain.
(44) Do not forget that costumes do not make spiritualist, but spirits do. So obey all rules laid for you by your covenanted spirit.
(45) Do not forget that powers deposited to the altars alone are dangerous because such domains can be invaded and conquered. Be more of introversial spiritualist whose mind is the main center of his mystical experiences and powers.
(46) Do not forget that any spirit gift require cons.
(47) Do not fail to open your incentives to observations. Many things you will learn from your spiritual masters were observations garnered by other past peoples.
(48) Do not close your inner ears for intuitions. These are prepared thoughts from the spirit you serve. The thoughts zoom often into your mind to aid your operations.
(49) Do not forget that all spirits are from same source and exists on ranks and grades. Always seek union with the ultimate spirit that coordinate others. You can achieve this by being positive and persistent in devotion. You will upgrade by right thinking and altitudes.
(50) Do not force yourself towards growth spiritually. Growth goes along ripening and maturity and these are acts of nature. Conversations from one religious tradition to another cannot guarantee a growth in spirit. Mechanical practices cannot support your growth spiritually. Spiritual growth is gradual process like the growth of a new born child to adult age.
(51) Do not confined yourself to ancestral, kindred and tribal spiritual knowledge and operations. Although, spirits appear to exist in kindred, but are vastly present in all scopes and spheres. They exist across globe and beyond. They have nothing to do with particular tribe of entity.
(52) Do not forget that spirits do not die. They are everlasting consciousness. Although, they may change their state and migrate from one end to other but are available in any instant they are called upon. So, whatever you learn from your spiritual master or from spirit directly should be treasured more than what you receive from any of the religious traditions.
(54) Do not forget to guide your lip over what you encounter in your spirit journey or operations. Most of what you will encounter are not meant for the ears of ordinary men. You utter only those you are permitted to reveal or you may be degraded. You see much and speak less.
(55) Do not forget to follow up all orders of service of your covenanted spirit. Always remember the songs and incantations that usher in the spirits. These practices charges and instigates the spirits.
(56) Do not forget that rules of spirit are designed in two folds,-- vertical and horizontal. The vertical rules relate your obligations and duties before the spirit you serve. The horizontal relates to your obligations towards other mortals and beings.
(57) Do not forget that every bit of action ignites from the spirit realm. Always be conscious, alert and present in domains where your cases, those of your relations and clients are treated. Any issue you can't control in spirit cannot be controlled in the physical.
(58) Do not betray or forsake your allies, confidants and fellow initiates who are aware of your source of power and knowledge. Those fellows are in better position to expose your source because only your friend knows your secret and only him can reveal it. They know all antidotes to your power and can destroy you as well.
(59) Do not be worked up over who is to succeed you or inherit your power after your demise from this earth. Spirit gifts sprouts from time to time and are shared by the spirits. If your works are rooted in linage inheritance, the spirit knows whom to confer it upon and the particular generation it will sprout. Its not mandatory that your immediate child will inherit it. It is the spirit that chooses who will hold their staff.
(60) Do not give yourself to worries over oppositions and worries you receive from your family and relations. Almost real spiritualists pass through such troubles. No real spiritualist has honour from his household.
(61) Do not boast with your acquired spiritual powers, it will attract undue challenges, attacks and contests upon you.
(62) Do not usurp the structure or institution built by your demised spiritual master or someone else. You are permitted to continue on the foundation and honour all creeds already established. But cunning and forceful conversion of the structure to yourself is not accepted spiritually. You will never have the spirit support, they will ridicule you and choose their preferred successor to humiliate you. You must fail in the mission.
(63) Do not forget to love your spiritual master intimately. This must continue even in his death because he is the spirit you see physically. Dislocation to such master spells doom.
(64) Do not relax after chasing out spirit frbecause spirits are dogged. They often appeal their defeats with repeated attacks. A chased out spirit wanders around and aiming to see a passage for a revenge attacks or invasion. When the victim creates opening, the spirit will assemble more spirits and jointly to invade the victim, making the person's conditions worst than ever. So, don't slumber over victories in spirit battle. 
(65) Do not retreat or surrender in spirit wars. It is dangerous to do that, the spirit will take over the stage. Try much to endure, link your associate spirit as the battle keep going tough.
(66) Do not forget your staff as battle ensues. The invocations of your associate spirit and observations of required things are necessary. If you don't do the required things, you will loose the battle.
(67) Do not be controlled by the voice of your client even by pity or coercion because he is under the invading spirit that you must treat as enemy. The voice is from the evil spirit you want to bundle out. Hold fast to the voice of your covenanted spirit and with passage of time, the enemy voice will be silenced.
(68)Do not see spirit discipline as punishments. Spirits love to chastise their servants. When they do no longer chastise you, it mean that you have lost your track. You are no longer connected.
(69) Do not expose your spiritual practices or its intension to the people. Your opposers may cash in through the information and frustrate you. Let your spiritual intentions be your personal issue between you, client and your associate spirit.
(70) Do not forget that spirits inspire human beings and animals either negatively or positively. Also, they haunt objects, elements or properties. To the humans, they use them to achieve their interests. They may inspire the person to act recklessly or otherwise. To the haunted objects, they may make it to be malfunctioning or immovable. At times as this, call your covenanted spirit into the matter.
(71) Do not forget that spirit inspired cases can't be handled by any carnal method. It takes spirit to handle spirit inspired problems. When such is noticed, call upon your associate spirit for actions.
(72) Do not trust your spiritual affairs into carnal blood relations. Such attachment or affection may be used by evil spirit to lure you into evil way. Always trust spiritual masters for your spiritual masters. Right spiritual masters and the right ways are often found through self enquiries and questions

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