Thursday, 15 February 2018

Which Is The Approved Feast, Passover Or Easter?

When the wings of the mighty eagle are broken, it will become an opportunity for the sparrow to dominate the air. Again, when the cat is away, the mice can play. The danger of creating a monster is that one-day it will turn against its master.
The churchianity created many monsters through their mix-ups of truths with falsehoods and those fabrications endangers the faithful believers who found themselves as churchmen and women. No matter how tears and waters resembles, they are not the same and does not taste alike. The Yahosheans of today may be misunderstood just like how Yahoshea Meshiyach was misunderstood in his days which led to his arbitrary and gruesome murder at the stake at Calvary. We cannot abandon the battle field because of the fierce sword of the enemies of truth.  If we do such, we will only deserve the thrones of fools and cowards. There is no sacrifice without pain and the ability to hold the swords of justice deserve the greatest discipline and honour and that is the part, power and destiny of those who decides to be Yahosheans.
Today as we continue in our march towards unveiling the mystery of Yahoshean techniques, our primary questions are: -what is Easter Feast? How does it originate? Is it a holy or a pagan Feast?
Easter feast by popular believe as been carried by  church account is a feast period to commemorate the death and resurrection of the saviour of mankind whose personal and original name is Yahoshea Meshiyach but erroneously translated as Jesus Christ. Is such concept correct? Is the church's believe on the Easter feast truthful? These will be answered as we move along in this text. The word “EASTER” originated from the word “EAST”. It is used to represent the ancient word Eostre, Ostera, Astarte or Ishtar.
These ancient names were associated with the pagan goddess known and addressed as Ishter that originated at Babylon of old. It is certain that after the great fallen away by the disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach, pagan customs and traditions were polished and embellished to supplant the original faith of Yahosheans.
The myth of Easter or Ishtar holds, that an egg of wonderous size fell from heaven into the River Euphrates. From this egg, according to the legends or fictions hatched the goddess Asharte, Istar, or Easter. From the mythology of Easter egg, many ancient pagan nations adopted egg as their sacred emblem. For example, the ancient Druids bore an egg as the holy emblem of their idolatrous order. The procession of Ceres in Rome was preceded by an egg. In the mysteries of Baccus (the god of Liquor) an egg was consecrated. China also used dyed or coloured eggs in their sacred festivals. In Japan, an ancient custom was to make the sacred egg a brozen colour.
In Northern Europe, in pagan times, eggs were coloured and used as symbols of the goddess of spring. These dyed eggs were used for sacred offerings in the ancient of time in many nations.
The church is of the faith that the saviour died on Friday and resurrected on sunrise on Sunday. It is by this believe that made the church to transfer the solemnity of Sabbath from the Seventh day to the first day of the week named Sunday. But according to the revelations of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, the account is unfounded or untruthful.
Before the advent of Yahoshea Meshiyach, there were prophecies about him by various prophets. Included was the prophecy by Prophet Daniah (Daniel), which stipulated that the saviour on his advent will be caught up by death in the middle of the week. And the midweek is certainly not Friday but Wednesday of the Gregorian Calendar. Yahoshea Meshiyach on his own teaching foretold that as Yonah was in the fish's stomach for three days and three nights, so the son of Yahweh will be in death for three days and three nights. This account means that Yahoshea will be in the bowel of the earth for seventy-two hours.
The true account by Prophet Yahmarabhi is that Yahoshea Meshiyach was hanged at the stake by the evening of 14th day of Abib (April) which falls on midweek being Wednesday in the year 27AD. From 14th Abib (April) being on Wednesday to 17th Abib (April) which fell on Saturday made up the foretold three days and three nights.
By simple calculation, from the evening of Wednesday to the evening of Thursday is one day and one night, from the evening of Thursday to the evening of Friday made up two days and two nights and from the evening of Friday to the evening of Saturday made complete three days and three nights. By this calculation, Yahoshea resurrected on Sabbath (Saturday) evening. It is properly recorded that after the Sabbath rest, which ushers in the dawn or beginning of the first day, his disciple went down to Golgotar to dress his tomb only to see an empty Sepulchre. They could not see the body of Yahoshea in the tomb meaning that he has resurrected before they approached the tomb.
By proper calculations, Yahoshea was not impaled on Friday and resurrected on Sunday morning. Let us still calculate the claims of the church, from Friday evening to Saturday evening is one day and one night, from Saturday evening to Sunday morning is only one night or approximately halfday. It is not in sequence to the prophecy that Yahoshea will be in death for three nights and three days. It is an utter deception to believe that Yahoshea died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday morning. Any believe on such concept is built on false foundation.
You can never agree with me in my write-ups unless you come to the conviction that pagan practices were carried over into the Christendom. The early followers of Yahoshea didn't celebrate the Easter feast rather they celebrated the feast of Passover as it was the tradition of their master Yahoshea Meshiyach. The transition and resurrection of Yahoshea was in sequence to the workings of Passover feast.
Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples took their last supper or Passover’s unleavened bread on the evening of 13th Abib (April) and he was arrested and killed on the 14th Abib (April). One of the striking differences between Passover feast and Easter Feast is that while Passover is a feast that goes with a date, the Easter feast goes on days, such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday or Easter Monday. Passover feast of 13th day of Abib can fall on any day of the week.
The idea of GOOD FRIDAY is an ancient pagan believe. The word FRIDAY came from Freya, regarded as the goddess of peace, joy and fertility. Thus the fish of Easter is regarded as the symbol of fertility. From the ancient time, fish has been the symbol of fertility for the Chinese, Assyrians, Phoenicians and many pagan nations. Naturally, fish is the most productive or fertile creature in the universe. For instance a single cod fish annually spawns upwards of 9, 000 , 000 eggs, the Flounder spawns 1000, 000 eggs, the Strungeon spawns 700, 000, the Perch Spawns 4 00, 000, the Mackeral spawns 500, 000, the Herring spawns 100, 000 etc.
The goddess of sexual fertility amongst the Romans was named Venus  and it was represented with fish. The Isis of Egypt was represented by fish on her head as a symbol of fertility. Easter or Ishtar was represented with fish. Again, there is Easter Rabbit or Hare which is also a pagan practice which also associates with fertility. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that Easter Hare came to Christianity from antiquity. The legend bore that Rabbit or hare is associated with periodicity in both the youngmen and women and is linked to fertility.
Easter appeared only once in the Bible and it is a mistranslations of the word “PASCHA” which rightly means PASSOVER. In many nations, before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach (the saviour), the Easter has been worshipped as a goddess and its feast celebrated. The legend held that when Tammuz of Babylon died, Ishtar (Easter) led the women of Babylon to rub ashes on their forehead and lamented for Tammuz for forty days. The legend contained that through the weeping of those women, Tammuz was reviewed (resurrected) on the spring. Through the Istar's grief and Tammuz resurrection, the feast of Ishtar was instituted where men and women have to grieve with Ishtar over the death of Tammuz and celebrate the return of Tammuz (God) in order to win anew her favour and benefits.
When new vegetation began to come forth, those ancient people believe that their SAVIOUR (TAMMUZ) had come from the underworld, had ended winter and caused spring to begin. When the children of Hebrew were captive under Babylon, they adopted the worship of Istar and celebrated its feast. They named Ishtar as Asthorate and this aroused Yahweh to anger. Yahweh warned against that in the days of prophet Ezekiah.
In the holy scriptures, it is recorded as “ABOMINATION IN ISRAEL” in that chapter, Yahweh warned over the pagan adoption by the Hebrews. Yahweh frowned among other things that “Women are weeping for Tammuz”. Again, that the Elders of Hebrew were facing the East and looking upon the sun to worship Baal. These practices were seen as abominations before Yahweh.
Today the church rubs ash on their foreheads on the days of Ashwednesday and commence forty days fast (lent) as was done in the pagan Babylon. The pagan worship of facing the EAST made the East direction a religious relic. That East is the root of the world EASTER.
It is wrong for Christians to attend service on Sunrise on Sunday because Yahoshea Meshiyach never resurrected on sunrise on Sunday, rather he rose from death on the sunset of Sabbath (Saturday). Again, all who face the East to worship Yahweh are committing abomination because Yahweh is everywhere and at any direction. When the Baal prophets looked towards the East to call upon their Baal, they received no answer, but when Eliyah looked at the other direction and called upon Yahweh, he answered.
Many pagan rites are connected with facing to the East and the rising sun. For instance, from Mount Fiji -Yama in Japan, prayers are offered to the rising sun. The pilgrims pray to their rising sun while climbing the Shinto Mountain. The pagan Mithrists of Rome met together at the rising sun to honour their Sun God.
True believers observes Passover feast on 13th of Abib but not to celebrate the Easter feast. The way to freedom is very simple, but appears unreasonable and unrealistic and by such measure, people finds it very difficult to adopt. 

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