Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Yahosheans Celebrates The Feast Of First Fruits

Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach observes the festival of the First Ingathering today 5th of June 2017.
The observation is in line with the doctrines and dogma of the movement of Yahosheanism; a religious sect that sues for the restoration of all holy percept as originally set by Yahweh.
The movement was formed in Nigeria in 1960 by Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach whom the sect recognises as the promised Comforter of mankind.
Through the inspiration of Yahweh, the Prophet wrote down the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures which carried all revelations of Yahweh covenanted to humanity.
The Feast of the First Fruit was an ancient festival observed by the Hebrew nation before the first advent of Yahoshea Meshiyach. The Hebrew Meshiyach observed the feast and when he ascended; his followers observed it and therein received the edifying spirit for their operatives.
When the Greeks became part of the followership, they changed the name to bear “Pentecost” meaning “fifty”. This term was drawn from the ancient tradition of the Hebrews that holds fifty days after the Passover day as the day of the Feast of First Ingathering. Yahosheans of Prophet Yahmarabhi’s era observed the festival on 5th of June annually.
The feast is aimed at giving thanks to Yahweh and enjoying of the first harvests of the year and as well as praying for the well being of all members and mortals who will enjoy the first harvests.
Post By Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi